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A new opportunity has arisen with Orangutan Foundation International <http://www.idealist.org/if/i/en/av/Org/140075-11> to work as an assistant to Dr. Galdikas - a well-known primatologist specializing in orangutan research who has devoted the last thirty-eight years to the study and protection of wild orangutans. http://drbirute.com/   As the President of Orangutan Foundation International, she is responsible for 220 Indonesian employees, 350 orphan orangutans, 6,000 wild orangutans, and 1,800 square miles of protected forest. The administrative offices of OFI are in Los Angeles, where a full-time Administrative Director and a part-time bookkeeper are employed. In addition to her work with OFI, Dr. Galdikas teaches part time at Simon Fraser University. The one year task is to help manage her communications with all stakeholders.


*# 2: Orangutan Summer in Borneo Volunteer Program*

The volunteer program will take place at sites in Kalimantan Tengah (Central Indonesian Borneo) in the general vicinity of Pangkalan Bun.

Volunteer projects will take place at one of the following sites:

* The Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine (OCCQ)
* The Dayak village of Pasir Panjang
* Camp Leakey
* Park Guard Posts
* Plant nursery facilities

For more details, please go to:
