티스토리 뷰

요즘들어 더 신뢰가 가능 WEF 보고서

영향력 Top10에 코로나 바이러스와 같은 감염도 있고,

더 심각한건 날씨, 기후변화, 자연재해, 물


The Global Risks Report 2020 (World Economic Forum)


Top 10 risks in terms of Likelihood(발생가능성)
1. Extreme weather
2. Climate action failure
3. Natural disasters
4. Biodiversity loss
5. Human-made environmental disasters
6. Data fraud or theft
7. Cyberattacks
8. Water crises
9. Global governance failure
10. Asset bubbles

Top 10 risks in terms of Impact(영향력)
1. Climate action failure
2. Weapons of mass destruction
3. Biodiversity loss
4. Extreme weather
5. Water crises
6. Information infrastructure breakdown
7. Natural disasters
8. Cyberattacks
9. Human-made environmental disasters
10. Infectious diseases




The Global Risks Report 2020

The 15th edition of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report is published as critical risks are manifesting. The global economy is facing an increased risk of stagnation, climate change is striking harder and more rapidly than expected, and fragmente


