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Project Management Institute Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Program

Dear PMP® Credential Holder:

Congratulations on earning or renewing your PMP® credential.  Now that you have earned the credential, it is not too early to start planning how you will maintain it.

Why is maintaining my PMP® credential important?
When you were preparing to earn your credential, the professional development that you engaged in created a foundation of knowledge and experience that we encourage you to continue.  To keep pace with the profession, your body of knowledge needs to increase in depth and breadth.  This is why credential maintenance requires that you engage in continuing education and developmental activities.  The PMI Continuing Certification Requirements program outlines the types of activities that qualify as PDUs. The education and activities that you engage in help you maintain your skills, position you for career advancement and connects you to the global community of project management practitioners.

What are PDUs?
PDUs or Professional Development Units track the professional development and continuing education of PMI credential holders. PDUs are part of the Continuing Certification Requirements for maintaining your PMI credential. And by earning and reporting 60 PDUs within a three year cycle, you can maintain an active status for your PMI credential.

How do I earn PDUs?
Continuing Certification Requirements promote consistent professional development among the entire body of PMI credential holders, thereby advancing the value of your credential. PDUs are used to quantify approved learning and professional service activities. There are five categories of professional development in which credential holders can earn PDUs. For more information on how PDUs can be earned, please refer to the CCR program handbook, available online at PMI.org inside Career Development & Certification and Credentials.

When should I start earning PDUs?
Your credential cycle is three years.  Let’s get started now looking at all the options available to you for earning PDUs.  There are many activities that you are engaged in right now that may qualify as PDUs.  For example:

  • Everyday job activities: For example, Professional experience (PDU category 2H) can award 5 PDUs per calendar year for a possible total of 15 PDUs per cycle for qualifying work experience.
  • Reading Relevant Material and Interviews with Subject Matter Experts:  For example, Self-directed Learning (PDU Category 2 SDL) can award up to 15 PDUs per cycle for activities such as reading books on the project management topic of your choice. 
  • Courses, Seminars, and Web-based Training:  For example, Project Management Training (PDU Categories 3 & 4) can award unlimited PDUs.

For more information on the Continuing Certification Requirement (CCR) Program, and what qualifies as a PDU, please visit the following links.

Qualifying PDU activities
Registered Education Providers
Reporting instructions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you have questions about your credential and/or its maintenance, please contact us at customercare@pmi.org.

PMI Certification Department

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