티스토리 뷰
▷ Inspection 의 다른 말은? Examination
▷ 프로젝트의 delegation(권한 위임, 파견)의 가장 중요한 사항은? 목표를 우선한다(목표를 완수할 수 있을 것인가?)
▷ 새로운 환경에서 일할 때 느꼈던 감정은: 문화적 충격(culture impact)
▷ PM 이 영업에 도움을 줄 수 있다. (기술력 있으므로)
▷ PM 이 협상하지 않고 사무실에 있다. 뭐할까? 프로젝트에 대한 필요사항을 연구, 계약사항 숙지 …
▷ Multiple people, multiple culture, multiple language 환경에서 사람들을 공평하게 대우
▷ 프로젝트가 문화적 윤리적 차이로 인해 방해 받지 않도록 하기 위한 가장 효과적인 방법은? Training
▷ 비즈니스의 능력 중 한 가지는? Chaos Navigator(대기업전략)
- 예) 1년 동안 해외에 여행을 보내 그 나라에서 승리할 수 있는 아이템을 한 가지 획득 하도록 함
▷ PMO, PO, PSO: 프로젝트들을 통합 관리하는 조직(절차 Template, 교육, 투자 등) but 품질과 관련 없다(답)
▷ Contract 는 promise 또는 다수의 Promises 로 간주된다.
▷ Contract에 꼭 있어야 할 사항(내용)은? Acceptance
▷ Law of diminishing returns: 적정투입량보다 더 많이 투입하면 수확량이 오히려 점차 감소현상 (수확체감의 법칙)
▷ 프로젝트 팀원이 동전을 2번 굴려서 앞면이 2회 계속 나오면 USD 1,000을 받고, 그렇지 않다면 USD 500 을 잃는다. 팀원의 기대 값은?
1) (0.5 x 1,000) + (0.5 x -500) = 250 2) (0.5 x 250) + (0.5 x -500) = -125
▷ PM의 교체 투입시 가장 먼저 해야 하는 것: 객관적인 프로젝트의 실체(코드, 시스템, 산출물등)상황을 직접 확인하는 것 즉 현재 상황을 Review한다.
▷ 프로젝트는 일정과 원가를 지키고 있으나 고객이 산출물(deliverables)에 불만이 있다는 것은 scope planning이 명확하지 않기 때문이다. 즉 WBS를 명확하게 정의하는 것이 필요하다.
▷ 고객의 불명확한 요구사항에 대해선 수시로 Review를 하면서 납기를 지켜야 한다.
▷ Quality Control(QC)와 Scope verificaiton은 같은 툴을 사용하면서 리뷰의 목적이 약간 상이 할 뿐이다.
Scope verification .. acceptance, Quality control .. correctness
▷ 수년간에 걸친 프로젝트가 지역의 겨울 날씨로 첫해에 일정지연을 경험했다면? 베이스라인 변경은 최후에 하라고 권하고 있으며 지연의 대책을 수립하여 예방할 수 있는 방안을 찾는다.
▷ 통제의 기본은 variance의 원인을 먼저 파악하는 것.
▷ Activity를 정의하다가 몇몇 팀 멤버가 그 activity는 이 프로젝트의 일부가 아니라고 믿는다. PM의 대처는? (범위가 누락된 상황) Talk with the project sponsor(인수 책임자)
▷ Process가 “In control”에 있을 때 개선할 수 있는 방향은? 경영층에 의해 시스템 프로세스 개선
▷ 수행 중인 프로젝트에 많은 stakeholders 존재할 경우 고려해야 할 가장 중요한 것은? 그들 사이의 need 와 objectives 를 충족시키는 것이 큰 과제.
▷ 어떤 산출물이 작업 없이 그냥 취득되었을 경우 PM은 “Change the project plan”
▷프로젝트가 순차적인 많은 phases로 이루어진 경우 각각의 phase들은 독립적인 project로 생각하고 관리한다. 따라서 각 phase마다 charter가 필요하다.
▷ The Halo effect is important to know because there is a tendency to : C. Move people into project management because they are good in their technical field
▷ Feasibility Study 시기는? 프로젝트 차터 개발 시, 프로젝트 착수 단계
▷ Feasibility Study의 Output? Project Charter
▷ 목표를 서둘러 달성하기 위한 계약형태는? Incentive가 포함된 계약
▷ 각 모듈이 각각 정상적으로 작동하는데 통합하면 문제가 생긴다. 무엇이 잘못되었는가? Interface Plan
▷ TCPI(to complete performance index). : determine the cost performance needed to complete the remaining
▷ On your project, you need to assign costs to the time period in which they are incurred. To do this, you should: b. Use the project schedule as an input to cost budgeting
▷ Activity duration estimated include all of the following EXCEPT for:? B) Time Studies
▷ Which of the following is needed to develop a detailed project cost estimate? B) Resource requirements
▷ Which of the following techniques is used to control the project schedule? B) Performance measurement
▷ The critical path needs to be reduced by 25%. All of the following actions are relevant I accomplishing this objective EXCEPT? B) Eliminating float
▷ The communications management plan is primarily depend on the? C) Specific needs of the project
▷ The project plan has been developed. A project end date has been established. The customer later requesters additional work to be included in the project, but will not renegotiate the end date. Cost is not a factor. The project team should immediately. ? A) Invoke the change control process.
▷ A product or service's reliability and maintenance characteristics are MOST affected by ? B) Design
▷ The quality management plans includes all of the following EXCEPT which quality? B) Definitions
▷ In the arrow diagramming method, which of the following requires an expenditure of the resources? D) Accounting support costs.
▷ After preparing a probability distribution of cost outcomes for a project, the estimate with a 15% probability of being exceeded is approximately one standard deviation? B) Above the mean
▷ Which characteristic distinguishes the network diagram from the gant chart? A) Critical dependencies
▷ During project lose-out, he final task is to? B) Transfer the deliverables to the client.
▷ Which of the following is required for scope change control? C) Scope verification.
▷ The monthly report to the client shows zero schedule variance. However, member of the team know that a milestone has been missed which will cause an overall delay to the project. Which one of the following is being inadequately reported ? C) Critical path status.
▷ The development of a cohesive project team occurs ? A) Throughout the project.
▷ The cost-effective rule for shortening a project is to crash the ? A) Critical tasks.
▷ Ideally, resource leveling should be limited to activites? D) With positive float.
▷ Random variance in a process, as measured by the standard deviation can be directly reduced by ?
C) Improving the overall system of production.
▷ Technical staffs tend to be particularly responsive to ? B) Formal power.
▷ Project management is the preferred management approach EXCEPT for? A) Product manufacturing environment.
▷ Project progress reports are ? B) An important element of communications.
▷ To determine the staffing requirements of the project, the project mange FIRST needs a(n)? C) Work breakdown structure.
▷ Double declining balance is a form of : C. Accelerated depreciation
▷ During the execution of a project, a large number of changes are made to the project. The project manager should?
B. Make changes as needed but retain the schedule baseline
▷ A benefit of analogous estimating is : C. Gives the project team an understanding of management’s expectations
▷ Which of the following is an example of a parametric estimate? A. Regression analysis
▷ What is the benefit of value analysis? D. To find a less costly way of doing the same scope of work
▷ Who has the cost risk in a fixed price contract? C. Seller
▷ Your analysis shows that you will have a cost overrun at the end of the project. You should? A. Evaluate options
▷ Which of the following is not a form of power derived from the project manager’s position : D. Expert
▷ An obstacle to team building in a matrix organization is : B. Team members are borrowed resources and can be hard to motivate
▷ Which of the following is not a typical concern of matrixed team members? D. Computing fringe benefits when working on multiple projects
▷ The most common causes of conflict on a project are? B. Schedules, project priorities, resources
▷ What does a responsibility Gantt chart show you that a responsibility matrix does not? A. Time
▷ A graphic display of resource usage hours is: D. Histogram
▷ The final project budget is created during which life cycle phase : C. Planning
▷ Primary responsibility for establishing design and test specifications rests with : C. Engineering
▷ An Ishikawa diagram helps ? B. Stimulate thinking, organizes thoughts and stimulates thinking
▷ what their company’s objectives are and how the project fits into them - Management by objectives
▷ Management by Objectives works only if? A. It is supported by management
▷ You have decided to estimate your project using one time estimate per activity or task. You would then be using which method?
▷ Resource leveling heuristics allocates scarce resources to critical path activities first. A. True
▷ The statistical control chart is a tool used primarily to help: a. monitor process variation over time
▷ In both the weak and strong matrix organizational structures, the primary condition leading to conflict is :d. ambiguous jurisdictions
▷ Which of the following represents a constraint on the staff acquisition process? b. recruitment practices of the organizations involved
▷ Risk tolerances are determined to : a. help the team rank the project risks
▷ The ability to reduce risk impact : a.inversely related to the project life cycle phase
▷ If a project manager has a very low tolerance for risk, he is said to be : a. risk averse
▷ Allocating a contingency amount, developing alternative options, and changing project scope are examples of :c. fallback plans
▷ Risk event status is defined as : a. risk probability * amount at stake
▷ Project risk is typically characterized by three factors : a. risk event, risk probability, and the consequences of the risk
▷ A disadvantage of a cost reimbursable contract for the supplier is that the buyer needs to: b. audit supplier's costs
▷ An RFP is mailed out to perspective bidders during which step of the procurement process? c. solicitation
▷ A project manager typically deals with risk events that fall into which area of the certainty/uncertainty spectrum: c. Relative uncertainty
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