Wanted international Volunteers for our World Heritage Workcamp - "Beautify future of Ha Long Bay 2010" We are searching for international Volunteers for our famous Workcamp - "Beautify future of Ha Long Bay" from 2nd August to 13th August 2010. Our environment project located in the UNESCO World Heritage Site Ha Long Bay and is coordinated by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Coordinatin..
올 하반기에는 할일이 너무너무 많기에 휴가를 좀 앞당겨서 여행을 다녀오려고 한다. 그것도 가정의 달 5월. 이번달은 날씨도 좋고(?) 공휴일이 많이 있어서 그런지 비행기 표 구하기가 쉽지 않았다. 예약Tip하나. 당연한 거지만 실시간항공권 조회에서 0으로 나온다고 Pass하지마시고 그대로 예약 걸어놓으면 2~3주 전에는 왠만한 티켓은 구할 수 있다. 이번 결정 후에 호치민 티켓이 confirm되었지만 이미 일본행을 결제한 상태라서 Pass 옵션은 4가지. (여행에서 젤 행복한 때는 계획을 세울때. 막상 가면 고생줄^^) 1. 일본에서 스시먹기 2. 라오스 비엔티엔 Lao beer 3. 베트남 호치민 무이네 4. 중국 서안 진시황릉 19,20 휴가를 낼 것이기 때문에 19~23 4박 5일이 가능하다. 우선..
http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/res.nsf/db900SID/OCHA-7UVNRJ Internship/Thesis Geoinformatics: Spatial Visualization of Deforestation Rates(UNREDD Project) GIS and Mapping Services for Humanitarian Organisation (CartONG) CartONG is a non-profit organization registered in France and based in Chambery, providing information management services and GIS to humanitarian relief organizations with a specia..
UNDP Vietnam is looking for one intern working in UNDP Library. The intern will undertake the major tasks as outlined in the Term of reference (TOR). Attached are the Terms of Reference. All interested national candidates are invited to send an application form (attached application letter and CV in English to the address below. ---------------------------------------------------------- United N..
Intern for Information Technology and Information System Unit, UNDP Publish Date: 16-May-2008 UNDP Viet Nam Office is looking for qualified Intern for the Information Technology and Information System Unit. Under general supervision of the IT Officer, and the direct coaching of the Reference Associate, Registry Assistant and Receptionist, the intern is expected to perform the tasks described in ..
Economic opportunities (EO) Program intern Save the Children/US (SC/US) is an international non-governmental organization and a member of the Save the Children Alliance. For nearly 20 years, SC/US has worked in Vietnam in the areas of maternal and child health, early childhood development, adolescent reproductive and sexual health, HIV/AIDS, emergency response and preparedness, and microfinance ..
International UNV Volunteer Specialist on Gender UNV VOLUNTEER TERMS OF REFERENCE Preamble: The United Nations Volunteers is the UN organization that supports sustainable human development globally through the promotion of volunteerism, including the mobilization of volunteers. It serves the causes of peace and development through enhancing opportunities for participation by all peoples. It is u..
주 베트남 대사관 http://vnm-hanoi.mofat.go.kr/index.jsp 베트남 갑시다 http://vietnamgo.co.kr/ 부산외대 다국어학습방 나사린 http://nasarin.pufs.ac.kr/situation/Vietnam/situation_main.htm - 상황별 베트남어! 플래시로 잘 만들어놔서 일단 재밌다. 베트남 프라자(SERI) http://www.seri.org/forum/vietnam/ - 베트남 사업정보 공유 VN http://m1000.org/v1000/ - CONTENT에 들어가보면 6단계의 베트남어 PDF와 mp3를 들을 수 있다. 초중급. 하노이 날씨(야후) http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/VMXX0006_c.html 베트남..
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